Say No to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

Liverpool Road
Liverpool Road is part of the proposed Barnsbury.Laycock LN. Prior to this proposal, the Council Installed cycle lanes with parking between these lanes and the main road. This is widely recognised to be a disastrous arrangement which has the effect of narrowing the width of road available for motorised traffic, increasing congestion, and making both cycling and motoring more difficult.
The campaign group "Save Lungs on Liverpool Road" had previously lobbied the Council to close off Liverpool Road using traffic filters but this is not practical given that this is an important through route, not least for traffic serving the Business Design Centre and other businesses in the Angel Business Improvement District (see BDC/BID report here). The Lungs group has now changed its approach and is now campaigning against the Barnsbury.Laycock LN proposals, recognising that traffic filtering within the proposed LN will have the effect of diverting more traffic on to Liverpool Road, increasing congestion and pollution (see Islington Tribune article here)